Clarks Beach / Waiau Pa.
Situated on the southern coast of the Manukau Harbour, and bordering the Waiuku and Taihiki waterways, Clarks Beach has been identified as a high population growth area with a new subdivision adding between 650-750 houses within the next few years.
The 2021 Franklin Local Board Clarks Beach, Waiau Beach - Waiau Pa Paths Plan sets out the paths and trails priorities for our communities. While developers will be building trails as part of new developments, a number of our communities' priorities are outside new subdivisions and require significant investment to take them through the design and planning phase and to bring them into reality.
Clarks Beach Road to Waiua Pa Village and School
Priority 1 in the Franklin Local Board Clarks Beach, Waiau Beach-Waiau Pa Paths Plan.
Support the trails, and get our kids independently travelling safely to school. A 5km pedestrian and cycling connection, seperated from dangerous high-speed country roads, between Clarks Beach and Waiau Pa village. This trail will support movement between our two villages, enabling our residents to walk and cycle between home, the shops, school, community facilities and for recreation.
Clarks Beach to Waiau Beach Coastal Walk - Eastern Section
A recreational connection between Clarks Beach and Waiau Beach has been requested for many years, from residents at both ends of the trail. This 680m 'Eastern Section' will achieve the first stage of the connection, running from Stevenson Rd, bordering the eastern edge of the Golf Club, and down to the Waiau Beach foreshore.